A warm welcome to our NG of the month for October 2014, Will Pritchard! We asked Will a few questions…
Q. Tell us how you came to be involved with NG?
A. My first taste of NG came at the Edinburgh Conference in 2010. I was amazed by the quality of young people that the RASC had amassed from all over the globe. Talking to young leaders about the challenges they face in their respective nations made me realise that we have a collective responsibility to make agriculture work on a global scale.
Q. Why do you think NG is important to the Agricultural Industry?
A. NG’s are effectively the future leaders of Agricultural Societies throughout the commonwealth. As societies evolve, they will need leadership that understands the wider role of their existence. As well as agricultural improvement, NGs get the opportunity to discuss consumer trends and innovative ways of engaging with the general public.
Q. What issues are you hoping to discuss at the upcoming Brisbane Conference?
A. I am very excited about Brisbane. There is a top quality line up of speakers but as always it is the conversation with fellow NGs that I am really looking forward to. Every country has its own challenges and making comparisons and observations with likeminded friends, old and new, is always interesting and invigorating.
Q. How has RASC furthered the NG mission?
A. An important part of the NG experience is the Understanding and Assistance Mission which helps foster best practice in developing countries. Not only a chance to help but also a chance to learn. One of my lifelong memories will be the day I spent as the water buffalo judge at an agricultural show in India.
Q. What does the future hold for the NG mission?
A. Missions will depend on the funding and the hard work of NG leaders to organise and execute the tours. They are undoubtedly life changing experiences that I have been proud to have been part of. Under the commonwealth umbrella, you are likely to learn as much from your fellow mission delegates as you are from your hosts.
Q. What is YOUR vision for NG?
A. NG is giving the opportunity to young people affiliated to Agricultural Societies to learn from one another. This experience will provide a lifelong network of friends and colleagues around the world. As these young people take more responsible roles within their societies they will undoubtedly be great assets due to their experiences with other NG.