I’m writing this welcome on a beautifully warm day, a rare treat lately here in the UK. It’s been wonderful to continue receiving positive feedback about the recent conference, which clearly was a great success.
Michael Lambert (RASC Honorary Secretary) has just returned from South Africa, where he met with Breyton Milford (RASC Trustee and General Manager of Agri-Expo) to discuss plans for the 2026 Conference in Cape Town. He also made significant progress on the Next Generation mission scheduled for 2025.
Here in the UK, agricultural shows are in full swing. I attended the Border Union Show in the Scottish Borders at the end of July and will be involved in the Glendale Show in Northumberland at the end of August. Best of luck to the Ekka in Queensland, Australia, which is currently ongoing, and to the Royal Adelaide Show, also happening at the end of August. We were fortunate to have a strong delegation from Australia at our recent events.
At Bowmont Hill in Northumberland, harvest is well underway. We’ve completed cutting winter barley, and the straw has been baled. On our other farm, we’ve finished cutting oilseed rape, and we will soon begin harvesting wheat. We’ve also been busy with lamb sales—over 200 lambs were sold this week, averaging £132.00 each. For reference, we achieved £6.60 per kg in the UK, however the price in New Zealand is currently $7.00 per kg.
Our son in New Zealand has nearly completed scanning sheep, with an impressive total of 18,000 scanned in one week, including a record-breaking 6,500 in one day. Lambing is about to begin there, with one ewe already having lambed.
1 comment
Richard Karichi
It sounds great… thanks for sharing good news taking place in Europe. Keep up the good work, and remember to keep us posted.
Have a great weekend with your happy Family.