RASC Next Generation Report Trustees Meeting

 RASC Next Generation Report

Trustees Meeting

Tuesday 5th March 2013

It is my pleasure to report on behalf of the Next Generation group. During the past few months a lot of work has been done in conclusion of the 25th CAC in Zambia and in preparations for the 4th NG Understanding and Assistance Mission to take place in Malawi.
The NG group has been able to re-connect on Facebook and I am happy to announce that the Zambian NG’s have started an NG Tree Planting Initiative in rural Zambia.
I have been working with Barbara Huddart with updating the new website. NG reports and additional links will be made available to present a clean, informative and user friendly online platform. The NG trustees will continue to work with the RASC in keeping up-to-date material online.
Mission to Malawi
With regards to the next NG Mission in Malawi, I have compiled a grant proposal to the Scottish Government – Malawi Development Programme which was submitted on January 17th on behalf of the Scottish Program Manager, Andrew Gilmore. This grant proposal included the costs of fully funding: 3 Organizing NG Delegates on a Pre-Mission, 20 NG Delegates for the Mission (equally split between male and female, and from developed and developing countries), and 6 NG Delegates to participate on a Post-Mission. The total request was around £110,000. We have not heard any feedback as of yet but expect to sometime this month.
I am currently working on another grant proposal for the Commonwealth Foundation whose application deadline is at the end of March. This application will be to fully-fund only developing country NG delegates. Please note that we were successful in receiving this grant for our last NG Mission to Singapore and India in 2011.
With regards to organizing the Pre-Mission we have two choices:

  •  If we wait to hear back from the Scottish Government, this would mean that a Pre-Mission cannot take place until after May. This then means that the Mission will not take place this year. A later timeframe March/April 2014. (As trustees, how do you feel having an NG Mission the same year as the CAC?)
  • John Bennett and I have room in our schedules to travel on the Pre-Mission April 8-14th. Estimated flight costs of £4,000 would then be requested from the RASC. We understand that the rest of the costs incurred during the Pre-Mission would be personally funded.

I would feel comfortable that the timeframe for the Mission be decided once the Pre-Mission takes place and stable plans/commitments are made for a maximum of 20 NG’s.
I look forward to your comments and suggestions during the trustees meeting next week. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions before hand.
Leona Dargis