Knowledge Exchange in Canada

Reesa Schafers, friend of RASC, had the opportunity to accompany Janelle Anderson, and 17 members of the Scottish Young Farmer’s Association as they visited a variety of Alberta Agricultural venues on their Study Tour.

After arriving from 4 full days of touring and learning in southern Alberta (including the Calgary Stampede and Olds College) they were kept busy viewing beef, grain, and potato production, saw examples of intercropping, fertilizer business, crop research, and seed production.

They also took in the swine research and production centre and all it had to offer at the University of Alberta farm. They visited a locally sourced distillery, and the famous West Edmonton Mall. Stacy Felkar, (RASC/FarmFair International/ Olds College) joined us for a meal and lively discussion one evening.

Attending a full day of touring Sturgeon County with about 125 local farmers gave the group an opportunity to ask, and answer, many questions. Some were even interviewed by the local press. Clayton Schafers, friend of RASC, also joined for that day.

The group were well received everywhere they went and were very knowledgable and thoughtful in their questions and comments; a lot of knowledge was exchanged and they represented their Association well.

Reesa and Clayton look forward to seeing a few of these Young Farmers at next year’s RASC Conference.


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