The Queensland Show Circuit.
The Queensland Chamber of Agricultural Societies Inc. (QCAS) based in Queensland supports 128 Agricultural Show Societies throughout Queensland.
Along with providing support through lobbying Government, providing Corporate Governance assistance and standardising rules for competitions QCAS also hosts the State finals for a number of competitions that are held throughout Queensland at Local and Regional level. These competitions include:
- · Miss Showgirl Awards
- · Ute Muster
- · Kids in Natural Fibres
- · Natural Fibre Creations
- · Rural Ambassador
- · Dark Rich Fruit Cake
- · Young Judges and Paraders
These competitions generate a large amount of interest throughout the state with all eleven (11) regions usually represented at the State Finals held during the Royal Queensland Show (Ekka) in August each year.
QCAS also supports a very proactive Next Generation Sub Committee that has been busy developing a “Young Farmers Challenge” that is sparking some great interest throughout our shows.
As an outcome of the RASC Conference in Zambia, the Next Gen group are also beginning fund raising to provide a bursary for an exchange between the Harare Agricultural Show and QCAS. We are yet to work out the details on this but are looking forward to working closely with Les Mallet and the Harare Show in 2014.
Now being well into our Show Season (Feb – Sep) we have held approximately 83 of our 128 Shows. The committees of all of these Societies have done an excellent job and we have had some great reports throughout the state. The highlight being the small community of Pioneer Valley (pop. 400) breaking their record with an attendance of 18,000 at their small one day Agricultural Show last weekend.
I would like to congratulate the RASC on their updated Website which looks great and wish all the RASC Members success in their endeavours. I note that the RASC AGM was held during the Royal Cornwall Show, I hope this meeting was a resounding success and I look forward to meeting with the delegates in the near future.
For any further information on the items above or the Queensland Shows please feel free to review which is currently being updated or email me at [email protected]