“Farm of The Future – Journey to Net Zero” is a Pre COP26 Briefing Paper from the Royal Agricultural Society of England (RASE) that was published to coincide with the UN climate change conference – COP26.
Please find attached a copy of this topical Briefing Paper that highlights key policy issues, including the need for:
- sound economic valuation of natural capital to help restore soil health and biodiversity,
- more consistent and integrated cross-sectoral food, energy and carbon transition policy,
- introduction of standardised farm-level emissions accounting, to help engage stakeholders,
- adoption of environmental and carbon impact labelling on food to inform consumer choice.
The briefing paper explores the emissions reduction options available to farmers, including better resource management, clean energy and low emission fuels and changes in farm mechanisation.
Recommendations include the need for on-farm decarbonisation advice, setting up farm innovation and demonstration sites and more local action groups to improve soil and water management.
The paper includes a set of graphic representations of a farm of the future that should help inform policy makers and other stakeholders on practical ways to mobilise on farm emissions reduction.
With better guidance on how to reduce their carbon impact, sequester carbon in soils and improve resource use, farmers can play a leading role in reducing our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
The main “Farm of the Future” report will be published in Spring 2022. It will help to inform farmers about low carbon routes to a healthier, more resilient and nature-friendly food supply system.