A Trip to Norfolk

2022 RASC Tour & AGM

During the last week of June, the 2022 RASC Tour & AGM take place in Norfolk, with members attending from across the World. 

With talks on food production, tours of the local area and a day at the Royal Norfolk Show – it was certainly a trip to remember.

The week started off by checking in at the renowned Dunston Hall Hotel, located just outside of Norwich. For many members, this was their first time meeting people of the RASC in person again, and it was lovely for members to share ideas and how their shows had coped during the pandemic.

Then we kicked off the Main Tour. Organised by the Royal Norfolk Agricultural Association, our first stop was at the Anglia Farmers Group office at Honingham Thorpe Farm. There we were met by Clarke Willis MBE. 

During the morning we listened to three very inspiring talks:

  • Honingham Thorpe Farms and Food Enterprise Park (Clarke Willis MBE, Director of Food Enterprise Park)
  • The Farming Scene in East Anglia (Andrew Spinks, Consultant at Brown & Co)
  • Farmer Collaboration at the AF Group (David Horton-Fawkes (CEO of AF Group).

After learning all things AF Group, we hopped on the bus and headed over to a new business nearby – The Goat Shed. Here, we met Sam Steggles, RASC NG Delegate in Singapore, Nuffiled Scholar and Owner of The Goat Shed and Fielding Cottage Cheese.

Sam gave us a very interesting presentation on the story behind The Goat Shed and their exciting plans for the future. After the presentation, we got to sample lunch and of course some Goats Cheese too. 

Now it was time to hop back on the bus and head across to the Food Enterprise Park. An exciting new operation run by Clarke, we were given a private tour of the site and got to hear their future plans by Iain Charnley, Senior Building Manager at Wilmott Dixon. This included:

  • Introduction to the FEP including Condimentum and Fischer Farms
  • Tour of the Broadland Food Innovation Centre

Our thanks must go to Clarke Willis and the Royal Norfolk Agricultural Association for organising such a fantastic day out.

For supper on Tuesday evening, our Chairman Sir Nico Bacon invited us along to Raveningham Estate. Before dining, members got to explore the Estate including the impressive gardens which is open to the general public during the year. 

This evening provided another great networking opportunity for those within the RASC, and we would like to thank Sir Nico and Lady Bacon for hosting and providing such wonderful food.

On Wednesday, it was time for the Royal Norfolk Show and the 2022 RASC AGM. By the time we arrived, the Show was full of happy faces and the ‘Show Buzz’ was strong. 

The RASC AGM took place in the Long Acre Suite on the Royal Norfolk Showground, our thanks must go to RNAA for allowing us this excellent space. 

Shortly before commencing, we were graced by the attendance of our President, HRH The Princess Royal. 

The AGM ran smooth and we must thank all those who attended, from near and far. 

The afternoon was then enjoyed exploring just what the Royal Norfolk Show has to offer. With Main Ring displays from Scurrying to a RAF Parachute Display, it was a day out for everyone. We would like to congratulate the Royal Norfolk Agricultural Association of a fantastic Show.

We would like to thank all the members and friends of the RASC who joined us on our 2022 Tour and attended the AGM. The pandemic has shaken up the agricultural show world in many ways, but it was great to see that things are now on the up and normality has once again returned. Here’s to 2023!