Countess of Wessex Takes Up Royal Cornwall Show Presidency/

Countess of Wessex takes up Royal Cornwall Show presidency

Her Royal Highness, The Countess of Wessex has been elected President of the Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association (RCAA) at the annual general meeting. The last Royal president of the show was His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, who jointly fulfilled the role with, Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cornwall, in 2010.

In her first official engagement in her new role, the Countess hosted the traditional president’s reception which was held at the Pavilion Centre at the Royal Cornwall showground last week. Meeting with RCAA council members, section officials and staff ahead of the show, which takes place this year on 5, 6 & 7th June.

The Countess is no stranger to agricultural shows, in fact she is very much a supporter of them which is reflected in her patronage of the Association of Show and Agricultural Associations (ASAO).

Her Royal Highness presented the 2014 president-elect Major Charles Edward-Collins with his badge of office.  Colonel Edward Bolitho becomes deputy president, after his successful year in office as president.

During the AGM, held earlier in March, the auditors reported that another successful show and a “steady as you go” approach to expenditure during the past 12 months has ensured the Association remained in a “solid position financially”. The 2013 show, blessed by glorious sunshine and a visit from HRH The Princess Royal, attracted an attendance of 118,000, a marked increase of over 4,000 from the previous year’s figure.

Robert Knowles, was officially appointed Director of the Showyard, filling the void left by Hugh Lello MBE who sadly passed away in December after numerous years of service to the show.

The 2013 show was also the first for RCAA Chairman Michael Williams, who took over the position at last year’s AGM from long serving predecessor Jonathan Coode.

For more information about the 2014 Royal Cornwall Show visit
