NG of the Month, Ashley Wright-Hands at RAS of New South Wales

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Ashley lives in Berry, Australia. She is currently in Malawi on our most recent Next Generation mission.  

Tell us how you came to be involved with the NG Mission in Malawi?

I first heard about the NG Mission at my first meeting of the RAS of NSW Youth Group where Léona Dargis (RASC Honorary NG Facilitator) was a guest. It sounded like a unique opportunity but as a new member to the group it went to the back of my mind. Eight months later when the opportunity to apply came up I realised that participating in the mission meant being able to combine my love of agricultural shows, my career as a vet with my passion to travel to and discover Africa. The stars aligned and I’m here!

What are you hoping to learn from this experience?

I came to Malawi with a lot of expectations and no expectations at the same time. I was open to learning anything and everything. Since being here I have discovered that while there are a lot of differences between Australia and Malawi, there are so many similarities. I woke up and the temperature is the same, the people looking you in the eye and just like my home town in Berry everyone says hello and smiles at each other, even though we are in the capital it feels like a small country town.

Why do you think NG is important to the Agricultural Industry?

Encouraging the next generation into agriculture is vital. It’s absolutely essential to secure our future, for food, happiness and the survival and prosperity of county areas. At the moment I feel that it is hard for young people to know how they fit into the agriculture picture. I think global agricultural needs branding and to get the word out, now anyone can be part of the picture for the future of ag!

What are you passionate about?

In terms of my involvement with agriculture, I am passionate about scientific communication. I am also passionate about my community and ensuring it stays as awesome and supportive as it is. I am passionate about country lifestyle, my family and my job. I love making a difference in the lives of animals and people every day.