Welcome from Simon Orpwood, Honorary Press Secretary
It is with great shock that we heard the news that His Majesty The King is being treated for cancer. We wish
him a speedy recovery.
January has been a busy month, but the Conference planning is moving forward. We have
weekly zoom meetings chaired by John Bennett – our Conference Sub-Committee Chairman. Ticket numbers are beginning to look good, which makes all the hard work worthwhile.
I am Chairman of our local Point to Point (Amateur Jump Racing) and it takes around 90 people to run
our meeting! All involved are volunteers and when you think of all the shows run in the Commonwealth by
volunteers; that is a lot of people!
We had the blessing of the fishing at the opening of the Salmon Season on the River Tweed. This was held on 1st February and as previous, the local Vicar waded into the river at 8:00am. Let’s hope it is a better season this year..
January has been a wet month in the UK, especially in Northumberland. We have scanned all the ewes – averaging at 190%, which we are pleased with. All ewes are now split up into their lots for feeding.
In New Zealand, lambs are being sold and our son is busy scanning cattle. He is attending the
Waimumu Field Days near Gore, which have not run for 4 years so they are excepting a large crowd.
If you have not already done so, please remember to book your Conference tickets!